
Process Oriented Psychology (POP), also called Process Work, is a modality of psychotherapy created by Arnold Mindell – a Jungian analyst, psychologist, and physicist.

Process Work focuses on bringing awareness into our lives and finding the meaning of different life experiences and how those experiences can contribute to finding new, meaningful directions in our every-day lives.

As a therapist, I help to unfold different processes that occur in the client’s life. Process Work treats all our life experiences as potentially meaningful and useful. This method has many tools to help people find different meanings of what is going on in their lives. One of the tools is a conversation about current problems. But process work also uses elements of drama, role-play, movement work, dance, drawing, dream-work, and work with body symptoms.

The goal of Process Work is to find these aspects of our personality which are neglected or unknown and to integrate them. To understand conflicts, difficult situations and challenging life experiences is much more important and beneficial to us than to avoid them. Integration and understanding usually helps people to use their full potential and to develop the ability to go beyond their boundaries. The troublesome situations or traits of character which the client doesn’t like in him/her-self can be transformed into a source of inner power and new possibilities. The obstacles in our lives can be our teachers from whom we can learn a lot about ourselves. But first, we have to face and integrate them.